Condo insurance made simple!


Addison Insurance Agency provides Condo Insurance that’s easy and offers great protection for every unit owner! Because a condo owner is not responsible for the structure of the building, condo policies are usually very affordable. The law in Georgia was recently changed to make the Condo Association Policy include the interior fixtures and finishes of the home as it was built. This changes the prior responsibility of the unit owners to only include “Improvements and Betterments” on their individual policy. However, the Association’s policy may carry a high deductible that the unit owner would be responsible for paying in the event of a loss. The Addison Insurance Agency strongly recommends any condo unit owner discuss this with their association before purchasing an individual policy.


Our carriers provide excellent coverage options for the condo unit owner in addition to the standard home insurance policy, including:


  • Loss Assessment Coverage- Unit Owners may be assessed special expenses by the Condo Association for common area or building improvements such as repaving the parking lot, adding a new pool, replacing the roof, or upgrading existing machinery or equipment. This coverage would pay for those additional expenses!
  • Water Back Up Coverage- which can cover you for loss caused by water that backs up through a sewer or drain, or that overflows from a sump pump or related equipment.

Let us work with you to make sure your Condo is properly protected, contact Addison Insurance Agency to learn more about a condo insurance polciy by calling 770-675- 9175, or completing the short quote request form!


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